
Rule 3 – Membership (ARTA Standing Rules)

3.1 Classification

3.1.1 An annuitant or a beneficiary receiving an annuity from a teacher retirement system can become a member of ARTA and TRTA upon payment of local dues and state dues.

3.1.2  Any person interested in public education and willing to work to achieve the purposes of TRTA upon payment of local dues and state dues.

3.2 Privileges

All members can vote and hold office in ARTA. Non-annuitant members shall not be elected as a district officer or serve as a delegate to the TRTA House of Delegates.

3.3 Dues

The annual dues for ARTA shall be determined by a vote of the total membership. The total amount shall be comprised of ARTA and TRTA dues. TRTA membership is required to be a local member. Life TRTA members and past presidents of ARTA are exempt from paying chapter dues.

3.4 Fiscal year

The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.

In order to be an active member of  ARTA, you must first be a member of TRTA, with annual dues of $35. You  can pay these dues by payroll deduction from your TRS pension each  month, or you can pay them with your ARTA dues of $15.

For questions about your membership status, contact Norma Jost by email: [email protected]

For questions about TRTA membership or your dues, contact Rudy Munguia by email: [email protected]

Join (or renew) ARTA membership today by doing one of the following:

  • Scroll down to the section Pay Dues by Check, download and print the membership form, fill it out and mail it with a check. 
  • Scroll down to the section Pay Dues Online by Credit Card, fill in the Google Form with your membership details, then use the PayPal button to pay by credit card. We need your membership information to be able to process your payment.

You can join TRTA here if you are not already a member, or you can pay TRTA dues with your ARTA dues. This is the FORM from TRS that is needed to have TRS dues deducted from your annuity each month. FORM 593

Questions about Membership? Email us at [email protected]g


There is a $2.00 fee added for using a credit card. Use the drop-down menu to choose the option for paying either ARTA dues alone, or ARTA & TRTA dues together. Then click the PayNow button.

Membership Payment + $2 fee
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